Apex Designs

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(c) Apex Designs 1999

True or high colour display recommended

t - r a c e r s
[ d o w n l o a d s ]
[Not available yet]

A Super Sprint style racing game for the A1200 or above. Recommended: Fast RAM and a joystick adaptor. 800Kb. Features include:
  • Up to six players playing simultaneously on a single machine!
  • Good and bad bonuses; every bonus has an opposite - make sure you don't pick it up by mistake!
  • Upgrade you car.
  • Seven different difficulty levels.
  • Eight different tracks, each with a different theme.
  • When you pause the game, you get to play either 'CowWars' or 'AstroCow'!
  • Play in teams!

"Bus error: passengers dumped."